Newport News Auto Repair

Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Sat: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

What Are the Pros of Having Power Windows?

Power Window Button

Most of us can't resist a pleasant and relaxing cruise around town with our windows down. We often overlook the convenience of rolling down and rolling up our windows with a push of a button. This function is called power windows, and it is electrically operated. Power windows did not become a standard until decades ago. Before then, you would have to crank your window up and down manually. 



If you often have to drive children, you may look for a car with working power windows. Most parents may be reluctant to leave their kids in the back seat with power windows for fear that they could hurt themselves by playing with the window switches. However, power windows have rear window locks or child-safety locks to prevent riders in the back from controlling the windows. The driver can turn off and on the switch rear window locks if needed.

If you're still worried, there's more. Most new vehicles have an automatic detection feature that detects objects between the window and its closing position. If something does get stuck in between the window, then the window will not close and retract. 


Overall, the nice thing about power windows is that the driver can now autonomously manage all the windows with clicks of buttons. Whereas with a manual window, only the person nearest to their window can control it. This makes it bothersome when one of your passengers accidentally leaves a window rolled down, and you'd have to stop the car and go over to the window to crank it down manually. With power windows, it will take merely several seconds to simultaneously close (or open) all your windows.

While your power windows may be functional now, they can stop working at any given time, particularly in older vehicles with less advanced technology— the motors can burn out, or wiring can become loose and defect.

Power Window Repair

If you are having complications using your power windows, then feel free to stop by B & L Automotive. Most of the time, power window problems are simply electrical fixes. Our certified technicians have the electrical skills necessary to repair your power windows. Please do not hesitate to call us at (757) 856-6205 or visit our shop today in Newport News, VA.