Posted on 3/25/2022

When drivers face car issues, the first thing they usually do after they have pulled over is call a friend or family. But what if they aren't around? And you can't just abandon your car, right? While we understand how stressful a breakdown can be, you may need to face the reality of having to call for a tow. What Incidents Require a Tow? Below are the most common vehicle problems that require a tow: Following a major accident - After an accident, your car may have taken significant damage to its undercarriage or tires, which can put you in harm's way. It can worsen the damage if you keep driving. Empty gas tank - You might've overlooked the low gas light and stretched your car too thin. If you entirely run out of gas, you can call for a tow to supply you with gasoline. A dead battery - Batteries grow old and will eventually die. If you put off replacing it for too long, your car will likely break down and require a tow. A flat tire or blowout - This ... read more